Wednesday, December 07, 2011

WISE Break Throughs - April

Break through the inner barriers that hold you back 
breakthroughWISE Break Throughs is part of our Weekend Intensive SEminar series created to quickly advance the knowledge, skills, experience and wisdom of our clients or anyone interested in attending this deep dive into the philosophy, science, and techniques behind our integrated Heart.Muscle.Mind system including Fitness, Nutrition and Break Throughs (life success).  

Commit to stopping the distractions and dealing with your current issues head on in this weekend intensive seminar.
  • Have you been working hard but not really meeting your goals?  
  • Do you have habits that you cannot seem to change?
  • What area of your life are you in need of a break through?
  • Curious about meditation and how its lessons can improve your life?
  • Want to learn simple methods to take big leaps forward?
Unlike anything you have experienced, this seminar will dig deep into the areas of your life that you are stuck, or into habits you cannot seem to change.  Gavin's coaching will help you clearly identify areas where your own beliefs are what is holding you back and take you through a proven process for shifting your thinking to allow you to do what you need to do to get the results.  The process will start by looking at what you really want in life and see if they actually MAP (special criteria) to your underlying motivation.  We will seek to uncover the fears that disempower us and the restrictive beliefs about ourselves and our world that we live into.  You will come out of this weekend with new insights, revised goals and a strengthened confidence

In this seminar you will:
  • Learn Mindfulness Meditation techniques to train in catching yourself in habits
  • Experience a personal breakthrough via a proven step-by-step process 
  • Completely rethink your goals in our MAP exercise
  • Identify the source of why your stuck in certain areas, your limiting beliefs
  • Learn on the spot practices for applying your break through in everyday life
  • Guide the discussions based on your experiences and interests
currently set for Apr 14 - 15th but we are flexible so if you are interested please email
Time: 9am - 3pm both days
Location: Fusion Philly
Cost: $200 ($169 if by April 7th)

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